The Napier's

We are quickly learning how hectic life can get with a baby, and as much as we would love to update everyone with each detail and every adventure to conquer there are just so many. We are hoping that we can keep all of our family and friends informed as we reach each milestone along the way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Growing So Fast

It is so hard to believe that I had this sweet boy a month ago, It feels like just yesterday! We have our 1 month check-up on Thursday at 9:30 and I am so curious to see how much he weighs! As of last week he was 8lbs 4 oz which puts him gaining about a lb a week! He is growing and changing so much I can't keep up! We have switched him to soy formula with cereal due to his belly being a little sensitive and he is doing amazing with it. I think he is outgrowing the colic and holding down even more food! 

 When we came home from the hospital he hated bath time and would cry and cry until he almost made mommy cry and now that is his favorite time of the day. He will just kick around all soapy in the tub as happy as he can be! We have actually used bath time as calming method when he is really sleepy or "thinks" he is hungry way before he is... He absolutely loves the little shower sprayer that came with his baby bath tub.

Last night was the first night that we finally had a good night of sleep, I am very curious to see if it continues. Kit and I both have been trying to keep him awake until 11 and then giving him his last bottle before we lay down. It has been a challenge usually from 9-11, he will fight us hard! However last night he went to bed by 11:30 and slept until 3:30am and didn't get back up until a little after 8! Only one middle of the night feeding!! My body almost doesn't know what to do with all this sleep! He is so cute and precious in the middle of the night when he is "talking" and grunting and looking around it has been so hard to lay him back down when he is so wide awake so we are so excited that he is finally ready to sleep some at night! 

Lastly for the baby updates we are beginning to out grow some of our clothes! I can't believe that those cute little footy pjs and onsies we couldn't wait for him to fit into he is already outgrowing! When we came home EVERYTHING we had for him was way too big and its only been a month and it seems like I find my self saying each night with a different pair of newborn pjs "uh-oh only one more wash and these will have to be packed away". It's so crazy that he has grown that much in a month! We have even been putting him in 0-3 month clothing and some of it is still baggy on him but for the most part they fit! Which is exciting and depressing at the same time! My little boy is growing too fast! 

He was thinking yea right mom!

Yesterday was the first time mommy left Chapman since he was born (I was not happy about it but needed to do it). He stayed with Ouwii and Poppy and he did SO good! I did ok with it he is a much better trooper then me, I think he was happy to have a break from me!  He was there nearly 5 hours and we all survived! I go back to work on September 1st and Chapman will be spending 5 hours a day with both my parents or Kits. It will be good quality grandparent time for Chapman and it will give me an oppertunity to earn some money to finish up some endless projects we have at the house! Wish us luck with these changes that are coming up! 

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