The Napier's

We are quickly learning how hectic life can get with a baby, and as much as we would love to update everyone with each detail and every adventure to conquer there are just so many. We are hoping that we can keep all of our family and friends informed as we reach each milestone along the way.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chapman almost 3 months -WOW!

 Chapman is growing like a weed ( as my sister says) and every morning we wake up and look at him and feel as though he has grown even more over night! It is CRAZY how fast time is flying by.  He is smiling and watching us and talking to us. I feel as though I am already beginning to miss the little tiny baby that liked to snuggle with me. Now he is beginning to be a wiggle worm and wants to be entertained.. He is watching the toys, splashing ALOT in the bath tub, and batting his toys in front of time. He is such a joy to both Kit and I we just can't even imagine life without him anymore. He brings us so much so and so so so many laughs! He loves his face being played with he will begin to coo and laugh.. We are still waiting to hear him giggle but we have seen so many smiles now and he has such a beautiful smile however it is a little crooked like his mommy's , But I guess I am just glad that he got something from me he is such a mini Kit. He definitely lacks patience, he has absolutely 0 patience but it actually makes it quite funny! 

Mommy's favorite picture!! 

This past Sunday Chapman had cereal for the first time off of a spoon, this was quite interesting he wasn't too sure how to use the spoon or his tongue for that matter. He made a mess of everything but it was quite entertaining.

He has gotten so big that he out grew the Halloween costume that nana and Aunt Desirae got him.. time to go shopping! 

We have also hit the milestone of now we are sleeping in our big boy bed (crib) we are out of the bassinet! It made mommy VERY sad however Chapman loves it so much that he has been sleeping from 10pm to 7 am most nights! He loves all the room and sleeps so much better! 

Next weekend will be Chapmans first road trip we will be going to Gatlinburg with Christine Kevin and Kaelyn Orsburn and we are all so very excited to see how it goes! Here are a few pictures of Chapman with girlfriend Kaelyn.. TOO CUTE!!